Academic Opportunities

The Center for Historic Preservation provides a wide range of services to Tennessee’s communities while training students in real world preservation projects. The Center is known for its innovative approaches, applied experience training, and placement of students.

Review our application information and, if you have questions, please contact us for further information.

Diversity of Students

The Center provides learning opportunities for students from Middle Tennessee State University, students from other academic institutions, and interested individuals with no current institutional affiliation. Recent MTSU assistants at the CHP have come from history, psychology, computer science, agriculture, graphic design, and international studies.

Diversity of Projects

The Center’s projects include such services as resource identification, documentation and preservation, architectural assessment, preservation planning and recommendations, heritage tourism, heritage education, exhibit development, research and publications, and museum and visitor services. Statewide, the Center’s administration of the Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area, Tennessee Century Farms, and Teaching with Primary Sources Across Tennessee provides many training and research opportunities. In Murfreesboro, the Heritage Center of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County, a partnership effort of the Heritage Area and Main Street: Murfreesboro/Rutherford County, Inc., provides a learning lab in heritage tourism and museum services.

Types of Assistance

Students may work on staff-directed projects related to CHP programs. Employment opportunities vary by semester and appointments depend upon how well the individual’s experience, skills, and research interests match current CHP projects.

Doctoral Assistantships | Graduate Research Assistantships |
Student Research Assistantships | Fellowships | Internships


The Dorothy Williams Potter Scholarship supports M.A. and Ph.D. students who serve as graduate assistants at the MTSU Center for Historic Preservation at Middle Tennessee State University. The scholarship was established in honor of Mrs. Dorothy Williams Potter, Honorary State President of the Tennessee Society Colonial Dames, for her service to the Society in state and national offices. The first scholarship award was granted in 1995 and grants have been awarded annually thereafter.

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